Meet Midnight,

Midnight is a 9-year-old, male mixed breed who traveled with his owners all the way from Orlando to consult with Dr. Block at West Delray Veterinary regarding a custom orthotic for Midnight’s soft tissue injury.

Midnight presented to West Delray Veterinary with a carpal flexor tendon injury after jumping and landing incorrectly, as Midnight is a very active dog and loves to play. The carpal flexor muscles are responsible for flexing the carpus or wrist joint. Injury to the soft tissues of this area can lead to pain, swelling, and hyperextension of the carpus, which can lead to instability in the joint. Dr. Block is a partner veterinarian with OrthoPets, the industry leader in veterinary prosthetics and orthotics. After an initial consultation with Dr. Block, where extensive media and measurements were taken of Midnight, Orthopets recommended a custom orthotic to support Midnight’s carpus. This will allow his injury to heal without exerting additional force on the tendon and will also allow Midnight to return to normal activity right away.

The fabrication process starts with a cast molding of the injured limb.

Photos and videos are obtained to observe Midnight’s standing and gaiting pattern and sent to the orthotic company for review.
After fabrication is completed, Midnight returned for a brace fitting, where we reviewed with the owners the application and acclimation process.
The option to create a custom brace for Midnight will allow his flexor tendon to heal accordingly to help him return to functional mobility. Currently, Midnight is adjusting great and is so happy to receive the freedom to run around in his new brace!